Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Arguing over the Hindraf Rally

I read some interesting posts these few days following the Hindraf rally last weekend. There were arguments for and against joining this march and quite a lot of people are against this protest due to its racist overtones. Many bloggers take the view that a protest to highlight the plight of all downtrodden Malaysians are acceptable but to bring only Indian issues to the street is racist and does nothing to enhance the vision for a Bangsa Malaysia.

Picture from Malaysia Today

My view is that perhaps, this Bangsa Malaysia concept is still too far ahead of our time . Poor Malaysians of different ethnic backgrounds exist all over the country but over the last 50 years, it is also hard to deny that the Indians are the worst lot compared to their fellow Malay and Chinese Malaysians. You can say that they should be protesting in front of Samy Vellu's house instead but I think that is beside the point here.

If we truly want a Bangsa Malaysia to emerge, we cannot have one ethnic group being marginalised and largely poor. And if they bring their plight to the forefront as they are doing now but get accused of being racist instead, then we in effect are already snuffing out the chance to emphatise and forge greater unity. If the community as a whole has valid grievances, then I thought the Bangsa Malaysia concept means all Malaysians should stand by their Indian friends to get their problems heard. Or am I misunderstanding the concept here?

Malaysia is a country with different races and religions and I think it is a bit naive to say that Bangsa Malaysia means only fighting for matters that benefit all Malaysians with no room for the support of specific grievances from individual communities to emerge. We are all Malaysians but each race also has its own type of problems and I don't see why those cannot be highlighted in some way.

However, I do not support the Hindraf march because firstly, I don't particularly like rallies of any kind. Secondly, I do not know Hindraf and its leaders and what is their true agenda. And thirdly, rallies will not solve any problem and in fact, could be making it worse.

But I don't think I want to say that for the Indians to highlight their plight is racist and that it would run contrary to the vision of Bangsa Malaysia. Whatever content of the now infamous letter that is now circulating on the net may be, though it contains very strong remarks, the fact that this community is in dire need of help starkly remains. And that letter is written by one or two people with perhaps, their own secret agenda while the poor and the needy is the general Indian population at large. I guess what I want to say is condemn the rally if we must but we should refrain from labeling those who participated and highlighted their problem as racist.


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