Sunday, September 16, 2007


Where is Malaysia?

Now that I have been away from home for a number of years, I have come across quite a number of foreigners asking me where I am from. And most of the time when I tell them that I am from Malaysia, I can sense that they are struggling in their heads to picture Malaysia on their mental world map. I guess it’s understandable since not everyone is an A+ student at geography back in school.

But if I offer them further information and say that my country is actually somewhere near Singapore, aha… I’ll get the look of instant recognition on their faces. Now, Singapore is practically invisible on the world map, right? So, why am I using it with such high rate of success at explaining where Malaysia is to foreigners?

I am actually curious to know whether am I the only Malaysian who rely on this tiny red dot to pinpoint Malaysia’s location to foreigners or are there more Malaysians out there who do the same as I do?


My standard line is we're located somewhere between Sg and Thailand. In terms of global brand recognition, I'd say we're probably at the same level as Burkna Faso or Vanuatu. :D
I hail from Brunei and I use Singapore to help others pin-point my small ink-dot of a country ;)
Malaysia is that strip of land between Singapore and Thailand...I used this line thousand of times..

Still dont get it why Singapore is more famous than us..Thailand I am not surprised though..
but of cos!!! singapore is a 'fine' country wad? lol u should try explaining where's borneo island for a change, that's worse!
I am from Labuan and I always tell people that I come from the nearby island from the richest country in the world Brunie and then most people know where it is LABUAN!!!!
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