Sunday, September 23, 2007


Where are we 50 Years After?

Whenever I read MT there is always one story after another
Of excesses and corruption of those who are in power
I even chanced upon a letter written by a father
Who complained that his children are being taught to cheat by the school teacher.

Then, when I hop to Rocky Bru as a net surfer
I read that his name has been illegally used to register as a voter
No wonder the opposition is always complaining about the phantom vote matter
And that names still appear of people already in their graves six feet under.

Rapes, thefts, robberies and recently, the Nurin murder
We have the IGP talking about charging the parents when their grief is hardly over
Mr. IGP, we all know you are one good, capable, honest and trustworthy officer
Can you please spare the parents and go and hunt for the cruel killer?

Malaysia achieved its independence in ’57 but where are we 50 years after
When foreign workers can be left at the airport without proper shelter
And things are bought by civil servants at inflated prices and so many times dearer
While the public can only vent their frustrations by turning on a computer.

Now, we have a video clip circulating in the world of cyber
Which is about the judiciary and not some budding rapper
This is serious allegation coming from an ex-Deputy Prime Minister
Does this mean people can bargain over a court verdict like a pasar malam trader?

I’m afraid in time to come the common people may all suffer
Because Malaysia seemed to be losing her moral compass altogether
And if we have no integrity left to speak of whatsoever
That is the day Malaysia would have lost her soul forever.


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