Monday, September 17, 2007


What Motivates You as a Malaysian?

I received an e-mail recently asking me what motivates me as a Malaysian. Frankly, I was momentarily stumped because this question has just never occurred to me before. But after mulling over it for half a day, here are my thoughts.

When I am home among other Malaysians, I don't feel anything special because I am just one among many. It is when I am abroad that I feel more Malaysian because the differences become obvious. For instance, try opening your mouth and speak in English when you are abroad and that’s when your “Malaysianness” creeps in on you as you consciously remind yourself not to end every other sentence with a ‘lah’.

Thus, the differences automatically motivate me to maintain my roots and identity as a Malaysian. I can most certainly pass off as a Hongkie but don't call me a Hongkie because I am not. Unlike Hongkies, I can’t read and write Chinese, don’t speak perfect Cantonese and hate the crowded malls. So, a Malaysian I’ll remain.

Anyway, wherever I am, I guess maintaining my background and identity will always motivate me as a Malaysian because being one is all I know.

I hope that answers the question. So, what motivates you as a Malaysian?


Hi, just stumbled on your blog. The words of Lin Yutang might offer a perspective to your question.

"What is patriotism but the love of the food one ate as a child?"

How true!
I guess nothing motivates more than my innate sense of justice and patroitism.Yes,being M'sian is all we should know and that includes countering bad M'sian leaders for as long as it takes.
i do not need to tel you-lah. The government controls how we should think! we cannot make free opinions. that is Malaysia after 50 years!
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