Wednesday, September 19, 2007



Firstly, let me thank readers who have taken the trouble to pen their thoughts in the comment section with regard to my article My Personal Experience with the NEP on RPK’s website. If some readers have been offended or felt that I have looked down on others by the tone of my article, please accept my sincere apologies. It is never my intention to look down on fellow Malaysians, what more when I still have a sister and young nephew living at home.

The NEP is certainly a contentious issue and it is indeed refreshing if we could debate it as matured Malaysians. When I said that I find some comments amusing at times, it is because of all the insults and name-callings that I often see but of which I believe serve little purpose. Furthermore, the article that I wrote is based on my own personal experience and therefore, readers certainly have to be aware that it is clouded by my own personal judgment and opinions. I guess it is forever hard to be objective when we will always be influenced by our own life experiences.

Yes, I’m fortunate because of my father’s sacrifices and I do feel for those Malaysians who did not have the same opportunity that I had. For that reason, I have always applauded those Malaysians who worked hard and then uprooted themselves in their 40’s to move abroad for the sake of their children. I have come across many Malaysians in Australia who struggled in a new environment all for the sake of the next generation. You may say those abroad are lucky but it does take a lot of courage to make such a decision. I'll have to admit that to move abroad when you have been given a head start like me is easy but to move with your whole family when you are in your 40’s is one big struggle. That’s why those parents certainly have my utmost admiration.

Back to my father. I guess this will always be a heart-wrenching issue for people like me who have to live away from our parents. Fortunately, my sister is still residing at home and she is there to watch over them. I do fret over their health and well-being all the time but I take consolation in the fact that my parents are now free to spend Christmas through Chinese New Year with me in Hong Kong if they so wish or choose to spend the spring or autumn months with my brothers in Australia. Rest assured that they are now enjoying their twilight years with little worry although I believe they will never leave Malaysia permanently for their own sentimental reasons.


The NEP,has lost its noble value.When Tun Razak mooted the idea,he had geniune intention to help the poor Malays.It never crossed his mind to use it to enrich himself,his family and his cronies.

The NEP, is now a gravy train for those in power to fill up their coffers,their families and cronies.

The NEP, almost 40% of our taxes that goes to development expenditure are wasted on satisfying the NEP and corruption.Only those close to the centre of power benefited from it.The average Malays in the street are not beneficaries of the NEP.

The NEP,had made the Malays lazy,uncompetitive and a dependant mentality.

The NEP, has made every Malay child dreaming of becoming a politican.They know where the road that lead to instant wealth.

The NEP, is a legalised form of corruption.It is used to buy political favours and patronage.

The NEP,has set back Malaysia's progress a decade behind its next door neigbour in the south.

The NEP,is going to destroy the Malays and this country.

Why do you think the dim-witted keris wielding Minister wanted the NEP to stay ? Do you honestly believe he cares for his fellow Malays ?

I consider myself a Malay and I don't give a damn about the NEP, because I know people like me had no chance to benefit from it.
Hello Audrey,
Greetings from Paris!
I had a taste of the NEP myself too, but not at the benefiting end though.
Anyway I'm also very glad I'd made it through like you. I also worked in a financial institution for 7 years when I went back to Malaysia. You are welcomed to read my experience in my blog:-

What I just want to share with you is that even though many of us have managed to push through, there are manyfold more of the poor chinese students never get a chance to push without any source of finance. You were fortunate to have a dad who was in a position ( through his hardship) to finance your study abroad.(In my case my dad was already 65)

Do spare some thought for these poor Chinese people.There are lots & lots of them in the Chinese villages across the country.

Is NEP "fruits" or "poison"? It is none of them, it is MURDER! And I will explain to you why in my blog later.

Take care & God bless!
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